Monday, March 7, 2011

4 corners versus Topher

ABC's current affairs flagship the good ship "4 Corners" is looking at the Murray-Darling Basin in tonight's edition. With the Government promising to put a decision before Parliament in 12 months time, they must decide who gets the water and just how much. A pain-free solution is unlikely, so will the politicians have the ticker to make the tough decisions? Will the largest water reform plan in the nation's history deliver a healthy river system, or will it be stymied by political compromise?

Meanwhile at no cost to tax payers Chris"Topher" Field present the case against the plan in Topher's unpopular view number 5: The MDBA Debacle.
Topher takes on the Australian government in this scathing critique of the Murray Darling Basin Authorities 'Proposed Basin Plan'. In his usual 'take no prisoners' style Topher uncovers deep flaws in the MDBA's proposal and sends the water minister Tony Bourke back to the drawing board.
For more Topher go to

Simple question: Which story best covered the issues?
Which provided the best value for money?

The ABC is facing irrelevancy as amateurs out perform the professionals.

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